Theme: The World Eagerly Awaits Your Manifestation


How has your week been?

Our topic this Sunday touches on something we all desire more of: We wish others will be more patient with us, more gentle and more intact when responding to our shortcomings. And God does too.

Key Learning Points:
Patience, self-control, and gentleness are attributes exhibited towards others. The call to manifest these attributes is a direct call to being like Christ and allowing Him to live through us.
So, this call to manifest patience, self-control, and gentleness reminds us that:

  1. We are called to be a blessing to others through patience, self-control, and gentleness. This is a call for us to be like Jesus Christ and to allow Him to live through us. Self-interest is the enemy to patience, self-control, and gentleness.
  2. When we exhibit patience, self-control, and gentleness, we will be exposed to all kinds of reproach, discomfort and even suffering. Jesus did not consider Himself nor did He please Himself, but He chose to let our reproach fall on Him.
  3. Manifesting these qualities can seem humanly impossible. But it is God who fills us with joy, peace and hope and empowers us for patience, self-control, and gentleness towards others. All these to the glory of our God and Savior.

See attached outline for your further reference. 

May the Lord use this study to work these virtues into us in increasing measure.


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