Theme: Servant Leadership


How are you? I hope you are well.

Our quarter series continues with the topic: Leaders Transform Lives. And this transformation can be good or bad. But since we are looking at Servant Leadership, it means that we are thinking of positive transformational leadership.

Key learning points from the topic and assigned text are:

  1. Effective leadership requires that the leader is about what is best for the people, not to be the center of attention.
  2. A leader of God’s people must be guided by God’s agenda, and His goals and objective for the people, not the leader’s agenda or ideas. So, we must ensure the people are being taught God’s statutes and how to live it out from one generation to another.
  3. God is the One who transforms. So, a leader must situate his leadership, counsel in the purposes of God and direct those he is leading to God.

See attached outline for your further reference.

May the word of God renew our minds so that we may be transformed more and more into His likeness.


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